My siddur, my prayerbook, is now part of a crime scene, a killing field.
The slim, cloth-bound, all-Hebrew book is called Va-ani T’filati, “I am my prayer,” and was the one I carried with me in the same bag as my tallit and tefillin wherever I took them. On October 20, I returned home from celebrating our friends’ daughter becoming a Bat Mitzvah in the Tree of Life sanctuary to realize that my bag felt lighter than it should. About one small, hard-cover book lighter.
It was, of course, in the book rack on the back of the pew, in the center-left section of the sanctuary about 10 rows back, just where I left it. No worries. I had a busy week, but on Thursday, October 25, I remember to e-mail the Tree of Life office to ask if someone could locate it. I would pick it up . . . later. Read More