Invite Jonathan Weinkle to be a guest speaker for your group. Past audiences include annual meetings, synagogue scholar-in-residence weekends, accredited trainings for health professionals, university lecture series and academic and professional conferences. Anyone interested in the intersection between healthcare and the spirit will have something to learn.
Available topics include:
- How to get from abstract ideals in Jewish tradition to concrete practice in the healthcare clinical environment
- Practicing the healing arts in the face of trauma and tragedy
- Healing insights from classic Jewish texts (adaptable to the season or the week’s reading)
- Practicing medicine, nursing or any health profession in a way that affirms a person’s humanity and shows them that their words, goals, and needs matter more than the “system” or the “protocol.”
- Growing as a healer by listening to the unique stories of people seeking your help
Formats can include formal lecture, small group discussion and text study, storytelling, even a concert!
Interested? Email [email protected] to discuss availability, usual honorarium, and topics. Locations not within driving distance of Pittsburgh, PA, will typically need at least 4 months advance notice.