What We Keep and What We Leave Behind

What We Keep and What We Leave Behind

A joint post on Times of Israel with my friend Rick Light of Kavod v’Nichum and the Gamliel Institute about how the pandemic has changed some of our oldest rituals – and how it hasn’t changed them. While we write about burial practices, we are really talking about why all of our rituals and routines are the way they are, even in the most non-routine of times.


Dr. Jonathan Weinkle

Dr. Jonathan Weinkle is an experienced primary care physician seeking to fix our broken healthcare system by returning the focus to the relationship between human beings. His new book, Healing People, Not Patients, gathers together ancient wisdom, medical science, and the experiences of one doctor to draw a portrait of a partnership—a medical covenant—not just between doctor and patient, but also including receptionist, nurse, transporter, and radiology technician.

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